Nearly three decades of leading-edge experience.
Advanced surgical solutions for eye disease.
The friendliness and compassion you deserve.

You’ll get all of this and more with Dr. Arthur H. Gerber.

The eye is one of the most important organs in the body and is responsible for one of our most vital senses. Several thousand times a day, your eyes move and focus on images near and far, providing you with a highly detailed chain of three-dimensional pictures of the world around you. Your eyes have helped you gather a lifetime of memories in a visual form, making it a gift that is unlike any other. When all is well with our vision, we take it for granted. But when our vision is affected, we suddenly realize how precious sight is.

That’s where Dr. Arthur H. Gerber can help. No matter what your vision problem is, he offers you the advanced, caring solutions you need. Using today’s latest, most advanced methods, he can diagnose and treat the full spectrum of vision problems, including cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration.

Since opening his practice in 1979, Dr. Gerber has gained the respect of his peers and the gratitude of thousands of patients. To learn more about his comprehensive care and how it can benefit you, please read on.

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